Food & Water
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Globally, the politics of water are complex, and often cruel—where the most vulnerable people are frequently left with an inadequate and sometimes toxic supply. At its best, this category is most fully realized when it funds training and development opportunities. Through projects and partners, there are strong returns on the investments made in equipping men and women to address these issues in their own local settings.

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For example, this year gifts were invested in the training of fruittree farming in Guatemala and provided graduates with enough young trees for a family orchard. In South Africa and Uganda, growing ministry efforts that link Christian discipleship lifestyle with agricultural schooling are continually supported. Some of the gardening trainees were novice beginners just a few years ago, but now they are selling crops, supporting families, and traveling to nearby villages to teach others. With every water well drilled comes village level maintenance training where locals are taught how to keep their water supply heathy and the pump functional.

Over the years and around the world there have literally been hundreds of thousands of lives touched by this Increase Christmas category. Thank you for your generosity!
Your gift to Food & Water will be put toward projects like these & more.

Agricultural Training
Teach and train an individual to grow produce and receive necessary garden supplies and equipment to sustain families and communities.
Farm Equipment
Provide farms with the necessary equipment to boost efficiency and productivity, ensuring the farm's ability to continue supporting and feeding deaf children in the Philippines.
Drill A Well
Provide the gift of clean and safe drinking water by drilling a well in a remote village.
Sustainable Agriculture
Provide 100 seedlings for families and promote sustainable agriculture through gospel-oriented training programs.
Emergency Water Filtration Kit
Give a family the gift of water, a critical resource during a natural disaster, when all other water supplies have been contaminated.
Help remote villages become self-sustainable by providing a pig to increase income revenue.
Agricultural Training
Teach and train an individual to grow produce and receive necessary garden supplies and equipment to sustain families and communities.
Farm Equipment
Provide farms with the necessary equipment to boost efficiency and productivity, ensuring the farm's ability to continue supporting and feeding deaf children in the Philippines.
Drill A Well
Provide the gift of clean and safe drinking water by drilling a well in a remote village.
Sustainable Agriculture
Provide 100 seedlings for families and promote sustainable agriculture through gospel-oriented training programs.
Emergency Water Filtration Kit
Give a family the gift of water, a critical resource during a natural disaster, when all other water supplies have been contaminated.
Help remote villages become self-sustainable by providing a pig to increase income revenue.

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