A residency is a partially paid opportunity at Faith Chapel to equip leaders/pastors both practically and theologically in the area of church planting. It typically lasts 6-12 months with the possibility of further extension. The residency is a deep dive in all things church planting. At the conclusion of the residency, the resident will be sent by Faith Chapel to plant a life-giving church or to plant a Faith Chapel campus.
At Faith Chapel, residents will act as adjunct staff members and will be engaged in the following ways.
Faith Chapel will assign you a mentor pastor for you to meet with weekly (or more). The resident will read books, articles, watch videos and listen to podcasts having to do with church planting and will discuss all related material with the mentor. During this time, the resident will learn Faith Chapel DNA and discover our best ministry practices.
Residents will be given opportunities to serve in various roles, including speaking opportunities, evangelism and leading small groups. They will be encouraged to multiply a small group. These ministry opportunities will match the resident’s gifts and interests, but won’t be limited to those.
The resident will participate in Foursquare Multiply church planting training at the same time of the residency. In Multiply, they will be a part of a cohort with other church planters where they will attend monthly online trainings. Additionally, there will be reading and homework that will focus on both theological and practical training.
The resident will participate in Foursquare Multiply church planting training at the same time of the residency. In Multiply, they will be a part of a cohort with other church planters where they will attend monthly online trainings. Additionally, there will be reading and homework that will focus on both theological and practical training.
The resident will embed themselves in their context and engage in missional activities. If they are planting in the local region, they will make scouting trips to the city where they hope to plant, and begin building redemptive relationships there.
The resident will observe and lightly participate in Faith Chapel's church planting and campus planting initiatives in the region. This includes making multiple trips to scout out new areas and to help support newly planted works.
The resident will be invited to participate in top level leadership meetings to see how Faith Chapel thinks, plans and executes. During this time the resident will learn Faith Chapel’s efficacious internal systems.
We are looking for these qualifications:
• Character: emotionally healthy and mature, a learner, self-starter, disciplined, good follow-through, self-aware.
• Chemistry: social intelligence, able to work well with a variety of people, and resolve conflict.
• Calling: a growing relationship with Jesus, fueled by consistent spiritual practices, resulting in a passionate sense of calling to mission.
• Competence: spiritual and natural gifts that equip you for this role, with an emphasis on leadership, teaching/preaching, and disciple making.
• Ministry Experience: A proven record of serving in the local church in various ministries and roles.
The residency is not for those with limited Bible education and limited ministry experience. It is not a place to gain experience but rather a space to prepare to launch a church.
Please notice that formal theological training, such as a Bible college or seminary is not a requirement for entrance. That being said, if an applicant does not have any biblical education, more often than not they will be encouraged to engage in some type of formal education/training.